I Loathe Graphic Design: Reasons I'd Rather Skip It

I Loathe Graphic Design: Reasons I'd Rather Skip It

As a creative individual, I have always been drawn to different forms of art. However, when it comes to graphic design, I have developed a deep-seated aversion for it. Despite the proliferation of digital media and software, my dislike for it remains unwavering.

Perhaps one of the primary reasons why I loathe graphic design is that it requires an immense amount of patience and attention to detail. I find myself getting easily frustrated with the constant tweaking and adjustments that are necessary to perfect a design. The idea of working on an image for hours on end does not appeal to me at all.

In addition to that, the technical aspect of graphic design is just not my forte. I struggle with programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator, and the thought of attempting to create a visually appealing design from scratch fills me with dread. At the same time, I find it frustrating when my vision for a particular piece does not translate well onto the screen or paper.

All things considered, my animosity towards graphic design is not unfounded. Despite my lack of enthusiasm, I do appreciate the skill and creativity required to excel in this field. Nevertheless, if given the choice, I would much rather skip graphic design altogether.

Readers who want to understand the struggles of those who loathe graphic design should read this article in its entirety. From the need for constant tweaking to the insurmountable technical skills required, this article delves into the reasons why some people just cannot bear to do graphic design. Whether you are a graphic designer looking to sympathize, or simply curious about why some people avoid graphic design like the plague, this article will offer valuable insight.
I Hate Graphic Design
"I Hate Graphic Design" ~ bbaz


Graphic design is a vital component of the modern world, where everyone wants to stand out and be noticed. However, there are some people who simply cannot appreciate the value of graphic design. They see it as a waste of time that could have been spent on something more productive. I am one such person; I loathe graphic design and would rather skip it any chance I get.

Designing Takes Time

One of the main reasons I hate graphic design is that it takes so much time. When I look at a blank canvas or a project brief, I have no idea where to begin. I am not familiar with the tools and techniques required to create eye-catching designs. As a result, I end up staring at a blank screen for hours on end without producing any solid work.

Comparison Table

Reasons to Loathe Graphic Design Reasons to Love Graphic Design
Time-consuming Creativity-enhancing
Requires special skills Problem-solving tool
High competition Career opportunities

Special Skills Required

Another issue that stops me from pursuing graphic design is that it requires specialized skills. Not everyone can master Photoshop or Illustrator in a day. It takes years of learning and experience to create professional-level designs. This makes it harder for non-designers like me to get started with any designing process.

Competition is High

Another reason that puts me off graphic design is the high competition in the market. With so many designers in the field, it is challenging to make substantial progress unless someone is exceptionally talented or lucky enough to get their work noticed. This creates a feeling of dread in me, and I'd rather opt-out than face it head-on.

Creativity Enhancing and Problem Solving

However, it's not all negative; some people see graphic design as an opportunity to enhance their creativity and problem-solving skills. Creating eye-catching graphics compels people to think out of the box and come up with unique solutions to problems.


In conclusion, my opinion hasn't changed even after doing research and deepening my understanding of graphic design. I still choose to loathe it, but I respect those who are passionate about it. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to perfect this art form. Kudos to all the graphic designers out there!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, I Loathe Graphic Design: Reasons I'd Rather Skip It. As someone who has a strong passion for writing, it's no secret that graphic design is not my cup of tea. Nevertheless, I believe it's important to share my perspective and reasoning behind why I would rather skip it than spend countless hours working on it.

Perhaps you're someone who is also not a fan of graphic design, or maybe you're someone who loves it and disagrees with my viewpoint. Regardless, I hope this post has given you some insight into why graphic design isn't for everyone and how different people have varying passions and strengths.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to pursue what you truly love and where your skills shine. I know that for me, that's writing. And while I may never become a graphic designer, I'm grateful for the opportunities that have come my way thanks to my writing skills.

Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you visit my blog again soon.

People also ask about I Loathe Graphic Design: Reasons I'd Rather Skip It

  1. What are the reasons why the author hates graphic design?
  2. The author of I Loathe Graphic Design: Reasons I'd Rather Skip It mentions the following reasons why he hates graphic design:

    • It's too time-consuming.
    • It's not as fun as other creative activities.
    • It doesn't pay well enough.
    • It's too subjective.
  3. Are there any benefits to learning graphic design?
  4. Yes, there are several benefits to learning graphic design:

    • You can create your own designs for personal or professional use.
    • You can improve your visual communication skills.
    • You can potentially earn money as a freelance designer or by working for a company.
    • You can collaborate with other creatives and contribute to various industries.
  5. Is it possible to enjoy graphic design despite its challenges?
  6. Yes, it is definitely possible to enjoy graphic design despite its challenges. Many designers find satisfaction in creating something beautiful or impactful, solving design problems, and seeing their work come to life. It may take some time to develop a passion for it, but with dedication and practice, graphic design can be a fulfilling creative pursuit.

  7. What are some tips for overcoming the challenges of graphic design?
  8. Here are some tips for overcoming the challenges of graphic design:

    • Set realistic expectations and goals.
    • Take breaks when feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.
    • Seek feedback and constructive criticism to improve your skills.
    • Collaborate with other designers or creatives to gain new perspectives.
    • Remember why you started and find inspiration in your favorite designs or designers.
  9. Can graphic design be learned on your own or is formal education necessary?
  10. Graphic design can be learned on your own through various online resources, tutorials, and practice. However, formal education can provide a more structured and comprehensive learning experience, as well as industry connections and job opportunities. Ultimately, the decision to pursue formal education or self-teaching depends on individual goals and circumstances.
